I had the privilege again recently of attending the National Religious Broadcasters conference in the USA, where influential figures from various backgrounds gathered to share their perspectives and promote shared values. Among the distinguished guests was Dov Lipman, a former member of the Knesset and a passionate wonderful guy.

His organization, Yad Leolim, has been instrumental in establishing immigrants in Israel. Similar to our operations, they are dedicated to providing assistance and support to new immigrants. This conference provided a platform for prominent speakers like Angel Studios, Nick Vujicic, Dennis Prager, Eric Metaxas, Israel’s Ministry of Tourism, and many many more awesome people.

Together, they emphasized the power of collaboration and the potential for positive change when people of different backgrounds come together.
Aliyah Return Center: Empowering New Immigrants and Chaim Malespin (the Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Aliyah Return Center), was able to attend.

We have been playing a vital role in assisting new immigrants worldwide. Our tireless efforts have supported individuals and families beginning, including those affected by conflicts in Ukraine, Ethiopia, and many other regions. The Aliyah Return Center embodies the values of compassion, integration, and cultural exchange, fostering a sense of belonging and aiding the absorption of immigrants into Israeli society.

Read the Washington Times Interview: Recognizing the Significance

Our collective work in establishing and integrating new immigrants has garnered attention, leading to an interview with the esteemed Washington Times newspaper. The representative from the publication recognized the significance of our efforts in fulfilling ancient prophecies and creating a brighter future. Scriptures such as Deuteronomy 30:1-6, Isaiah 49:18-23, 2 Chronicles 30:6-9, and many more inspire our purpose to bring blessings and fulfil the destiny

Bringing together Jews and Gentiles: A Shared Path
The conference in Orlando highlighted the profound connection between Jews and Gentiles who share common values. It demonstrated that cooperation between different faith communities can make a lasting impact on society. We can work together to shape a better future for all by embracing our shared heritage and expressing our values.

As we journey forward, let us draw inspiration from ancient texts such as Isaiah 56:8, Psalms 107:1-3, Jeremiah 23:5-8, Ezekiel 36:22-38, and Zechariah 8:7-8. These prophecies remind us of the divine promise of unity, restoration, and the blessings that await those who uphold biblical values.

Join us in the Journey

We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey as we strive to build bridges, foster understanding, and make a positive impact on society. Together, we can bring about meaningful change and create a future where our shared values flourish.

Stay tuned for upcoming events, initiatives, and opportunities to collaborate. Let’s continue to uphold the principles that have guided us throughout history and work towards a world rooted in timeless values.

Wishing you peace, blessings, and an unwavering commitment to our shared values.

Chaim Malespin Name/Aliyah Return Center